The APNR Ground-Hornbill project has persisted for 23 years now and has made substantial contributions towards the research and conservation of the species. The robust population of ground-hornbills in the APNR serves as an invaluable foundation for delving into their intricacies, allowing us to gather crucial insights into their behaviours and vulnerabilities. By openly disseminating this knowledge to their peers nationwide, the project work together towards halting the species decline continent-wide.
The funding provided by Wild Wonderful World will be used towards new technologies, equipment and enhanced support, to start expanding the project beyond the APNR. The below photo shows the first tracking ring funded by Wild Wonderful World, the functioning is currently being tested on a captive bird in a rehabilitation centre.
You can support the APNR Ground Hornbill project by donating to our Frontier Projects Fund or sponsor a nest box.