Anti-poaching flight successfully captures poacher

May 2024
Funding provided for helicopter hours to assist with anti-poaching operation

Wild Wonderful World received an emergency request to assist with funding for helicopter assistance for an anti-poaching response. The area is a high-risk snaring region, and tracks of poachers were picked up during an intervention to rescue a snared buffalo. The rescue quickly turning into a dangerous tracking operation, resulting in the arrest of 1 poacher on charges of trespassing, killing of 3 buffalo and snaring.

This case illustrates the dangerous situations that wildlife vets and reserve management operate in, and Wild Wonderful World is partnering with anti-poaching and research organisations in our region to formulate a coordinated and proactive response to the increased snaring incidents.

We urgently need more funding for anti-poaching flights. Please consider donating to our Flying For Conservation fund to support this work.

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